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Adelaida says thanks after successful Norwich operation

Young Tanzanian health care worker Adelaida Simon, who had a successful operation in Norwich to restore the use of both of her legs, has expressed her profound thanks to those who contributed to the cost of the treatment.

Collections and fund-raising centred on St John’s Cathedral in Norwich where orthopaedic surgeon John Nolan, who led the operation carried out by a team of volunteers at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, is a parishioner.

John said that several hundred people made contributions and there were collections after two separate Masses at the cathedral and £15,000 was raised in total.

Adelaida said: “I still don’t have the right words to express what I feel. Thank you so much to Mr John’s family and all people who support and praying for my operations and now I’m doing great, I appreciated it very much. May the Lord give to you more blessing – I love you all.”

Read more of this story here.

 Pictured right are surgeon John Nolan and Adelaida Simon after her successful operation in Norwich and, top, the operating team. 
