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CAFOD young leader takes up challenge in Cambourne

Anastasia Ward, a CAFOD sixth form Young Leader from St Mary’s School Cambridge has taken up the challenge of leading a First Holy Communion group session at her home parish St John Fisher Parish in Cambourne, reports Jane Crone.

Catechists Lorretta and Ian Peck and Mary Humphrey invited her to lead a session focused on ‘To Love and Serve’. Anastasia was able to use the skills she’s learnt as part of her leadership training to explain CAFOD’s work with people living in poverty. Activities included a Fairtrade game, reflections on the miracle of the huge catch of fishes and Jesus command to Peter, ‘Feed my sheep’.

Inspired by the session the group organised a vibrant and enthusiastic cake sale on Saturday March 30 (pictured above) in aid of CAFOD’s Lent appeal. The parish community responded enthusiastically to the group’s generosity of time, spirit and money and a total of £243 was raised.

The first communion catechists were delighted with Anastasia’s input saying: “It was a great example of how catechetics can be lived by the whole community – not isolated with ‘books in a back room’.”
