Walsingham retreats on culture, prayer and marriage
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First Communions, Walsingham pilgrimage, recycling

Latest news from across the Diocese of East Anglia includes bumper First Holy Communions, a Walsingham pilgrimage and a recycling idea.

A bumper 30 children from St Luke’s in Peterborough celebrated their First Holy Communion this year (pictured above and below). They were very committed, made new friends and enjoyed the preparation and classes.

On Corpus Christi, the children joined around 200 other parishioners and led the Blessed Sacrament Procession around the church and shops. Afterwards there was a great party with games and the presentation of certificates. Thanks to them, to their families and to our devoted catechists for all of the support and hard work, said Fr Jeffrey Downie.

Around 50 young people from the Catholic Youth Groups in Peterborough & St. John Fisher High School gathered for a special mass and social time at St. Luke’s as they looked forward to the summer holidays. Fr Luke Goymour, diocesan youth chaplain, gave the homily while Sr Maria-Laura, Hamish MacQueen and friends led the music.

“Thanks to all those who have helped and given support over the past year. Special thanks to our young people for their commitment and dedication to their faith and to each other,” said Fr Jeffrey Downie

The Norwich Pax et Bonum Franciscan Fraternity joined the Anglican TSSF members (Third Order of the Society of St Francis) from Ely and Cambridge for their annual walk and reflective day at Walsingham on Saturday July 20 reports Anne Murrin. 

Despite the very real threat of rain showers and thunder storms we managed a walk along the Pilgrims Way, a visit to St Seraphim’s the Greek Orthodox chapel, and a picnic lunch in the Anglican Shrine gardens. 

We even managed the walk back to the Slipper Chapel in beautiful weather. 

Roger Hayes (pictured right), a long time altar server at St Mary’s in Great Yarmouth and a former president of Norwich Circle of the Catenian Association considered it wasteful after having read it, to consign to his recycling bin his monthly copy of the excellent monthly copy of ‘Catena’ magazine.

He has therefore started leaving old copies attached to an information leaflet, at the back of the church inviting any interested parishioners to pick them up after Sunday Mass in the hope that this policy might boost interest in appropriately qualified parties to perhaps join the Association?

Only time will tell whether this constructive idea will produce results.
