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Italian singer bids farewell to Norwich cathedral choir

The choir at St John's Cathedral in Norwich has said "arrivederci' to Italian singer Luciana Ravina after 40 years of musical service.

Luciana began singing in the parish church in San Lorenzo in Tuscany, where the choirmaster was later made a Cardinal for his services to church music.

Her interest and enthusiasm for church music spans eight decades and Luciana has sung in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Oman, Basildon and in Norwich, where she has been a member of the St John's Cathedral Choir for over 40 years.

She also sang with the Hethersett Singers and with the Eaton Parishes Choir and will be moving to Bristol.

Daniel Justin, Master of Music at St John's Cathedral, said: "It was a great sadness to hear that Luciana was leaving the choir, especially after so many years of faithful service. Her knowledge of Italian polyphony was always very impressive.

"Being from Bristol, I have no doubt she'll enjoy yet another "fine' city, and her new parish (Sacred Heart, Henleaze) has fond memories for me attending G&S Operettas by the Bristol Catholic Players as a young lad. So arrivederci, Luciana!"
