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March 2016 Catholic East Anglia now online

The March 2016 edition of Catholic East Anglia is now available online and in print and contains news of the Pope’s special honour for Walsingham, Lenten Masses and the new Chapter of Canons.

The edition also contains features on creating parish mission team, a message of faith from East Anglia to the Paris climate talks, Bishop Alan’s Year of Mercy homily and Walsingham pilgrimages.

News includes a £4m donation for the Walsingham shrine, lighting up the sky at Epiphany, a conference marking the 40th anniversary of the Diocese, bumper Christmas congregations and a Norwich church marking its 50th anniversary.

Regular features on Diocesan schools, Building Bridges, the Catholic World and a new one on events in the region, are also included.

You can view a copy online by clicking on the link below or pick up a printed copy at any church across the Diocese.


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