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Norwich school project makes clothes for Malawi children

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School in Norwich has been visited by Andy and Mary Clark who took all the children for an unusual Monday morning assembly. Head of School Fran Ludden reports.

During the Dress A Girl Assembly on March 12, the children heard about and saw photos of children who live in Malawi. Andy told a wonderful story which helped the children to realise that things that seem of little worth to them can be of great value to people they have never met.

The school community had held two sewing workshops during which a total of 36 dresses were made. The dresses are going to be distributed by volunteers with Network for a Better World ' a project linking people of the UK and Malawi.

The activity has been successful on so many levels. The workshops brought together members of school staff, families and children, who were involved in sewing on pockets and writing cards to put in them. The dresses are going first to a local tailor in Malawi who, using sewing machines sourced by Connections, will alter the dresses where necessary and set about making more for his community.

And we didn't leave the boys out. We had the brilliant idea of recycling good quality white shirts and trousers that had been left in lost property. Freya's grandma even turned some of the trousers into shorts.

This was such a successful project for our school community that we are busy thinking about what to do next. Not only are we going to continue to recycle school uniforms, but our Year Six children are going to make bags to accompany the dresses we have made, and a further project making T-shirt dresses for Cambodia is already in the pipeline.

Pictured above is the Dress A Girl assembly at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School in Norwich.
