‘Confession drive’ at Catholic churches across East Anglia
March 7, 2016
Volunteer Teams Help to Share the Vision
March 8, 2016
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Transformational Parish Projects

The first 15 parishes who are engaged in the Alive in Faith programme, have seized the opportunity to raise funds for their local needs. Clergy and parishioners have identified almost 30 projects which could not be undertaken from the normal offertory income.

These include: a youth worker in Newmarket, a new parish meeting room in Poringland, supporting the St Vincent de Paul led homeless shelter in Sheringham and Cromer and strengthening music ministry at the Cathedral in Norwich.

"Alive in Faithis enabling us to continue "building our future together'. Our new meeting room will ensure we can develop and expand programmes and events such as RCIA and weekly study groups, and improve what we can offer our young people, helping to encourage them on their faith journey". – Fr P£draig Hawkins, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland

Image above – Fr P£draig Hawkins in front of building works at Our Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland.