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Website is a guide to the Art of Dying Well

As a Catholic approaches death, there are a series of comforting rites and rituals that can help a person spiritually prepare for the final journey.

These rites and special Prayers for the Dying are illustrated in the Catholic Art of Dying Well animation www.artofdyingwell.org which features the fictional story of the Ferguson family. It is narrated by the English actress Vanessa Redgrave.

The project has received lots of positive feedback since the launch at the end of 2016:

@acourseindying: "As my mother was Catholic, I arranged for a priest to come visit her and give her spiritual guidance. They prayed and she received the last sacrament, which is a final rite of passage in which a person receives forgiveness from God and which prepares them for their final journey. This ritual was brought back to my attention recently by a wonderful initiative of the Catholic Church ' The Art of Dying Well."

One visitor to the site said: "An excellent uplifting website which, hopefully, may help many to face the inevitable encounter with Sister Death."

"Thank you for this wonderful resource. We will certainly direct people to it because caring for those who are ill is, thankfully, an increasing part of what we do." Allan Doyle, Funeral Director



